the mature plants, there are brown lines on older leaves. Control: (1) planting or before the start of the rainy season; (2) the cropping pattern and the pattern of crop rotation, planting resistant varieties; (3) remove and destroy infected plants; (4) Preventive planting beginning with GLIO
Corn Cultivation Techniques
Total population of corn plants grown in a unit area affects the growth, development and results to be achieved.
Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com Roller Blinds | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 10 Nasa NO Fertilizer Organic Fertilizer Product Function 1 1 Natural Natural GLIO GLIO able to destroy the infectious inoculum source plant diseases, 2 to prevent spread of disease infection sources back to colonization Natural soil by GLIO 3 Protect seed germination and plant roots from infection sources, 4 are Hiperparasit against plant disease pathogens, resulting in a live competition and nutrients. 5. Natural GLIO excrete antibiotics that Gliovirin and Viridin that will kill pathogens cause plant diseases Natural GLIO 6 will evolve continuously colonize protect plants from pathogen disturbances. 7 safe to the environment, human and animal, in harmony with the natural balance, easy and cheap. 2 Super Formula NASA natural (organic) for improving soil physical damage (loose), khemis (providing all the essential nutrients for plants) and biological (soil microorganisms foster beneficial to plants). POP SUPERNASA can reduce the amount of chemical NPK fertilizers (urea, SP-36, and KCl). The special formula made of pure crop of organic materials with the function: A. Main Function: 1 Repair damaged lands: Increasing physical fertility: fix the hard ground slowly starting to become loose. Increasing fertility khemis: provide all kinds of elements of a complete macro and micro elements for plants. Improve the biological fertility: foster beneficial soil microorganisms to plants. Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 11 2 Reduce the amount of use of chemical NPK fertilizers (Urea, SP-36 and KCl) of + 25% - 50%. B. Other functions: 1 Increase the quantity and quality of crop production. 2 Dissolve the rest - the rest of the chemical Pulau Pramuka fertilizers in the soil, so the plants can be used again. 3 Stimulates plant growth, stimulate flowering and fruiting and reduces loss of flowers and fruit.
Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com Roller Blinds | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 10 Nasa NO Fertilizer Organic Fertilizer Product Function 1 1 Natural Natural GLIO GLIO able to destroy the infectious inoculum source plant diseases, 2 to prevent spread of disease infection sources back to colonization Natural soil by GLIO 3 Protect seed germination and plant roots from infection sources, 4 are Hiperparasit against plant disease pathogens, resulting in a live competition and nutrients. 5. Natural GLIO excrete antibiotics that Gliovirin and Viridin that will kill pathogens cause plant diseases Natural GLIO 6 will evolve continuously colonize protect plants from pathogen disturbances. 7 safe to the environment, human and animal, in harmony with the natural balance, easy and cheap. 2 Super Formula NASA natural (organic) for improving soil physical damage (loose), khemis (providing all the essential nutrients for plants) and biological (soil microorganisms foster beneficial to plants). POP SUPERNASA can reduce the amount of chemical NPK fertilizers (urea, SP-36, and KCl). The special formula made of pure crop of organic materials with the function: A. Main Function: 1 Repair damaged lands: Increasing physical fertility: fix the hard ground slowly starting to become loose. Increasing fertility khemis: provide all kinds of elements of a complete macro and micro elements for plants. Improve the biological fertility: foster beneficial soil microorganisms to plants. Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 11 2 Reduce the amount of use of chemical NPK fertilizers (Urea, SP-36 and KCl) of + 25% - 50%. B. Other functions: 1 Increase the quantity and quality of crop production. 2 Dissolve the rest - the rest of the chemical Pulau Pramuka fertilizers in the soil, so the plants can be used again. 3 Stimulates plant growth, stimulate flowering and fruiting and reduces loss of flowers and fruit.
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