Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

Kasvu näiden kasvien määritettiin

Kasvu näiden kasvien määritettiin laadun siemeniä. Pidä taimet ovat terveitä ja vailla tuholaisia​​. Seuraavan istutuskaudella, ehdokkaat voidaan valmistaa sipuli siemen, joka on istutettu dilahan. Ehdokkaiden valinnassa taimet voidaan taruhan bola tehdä silloin, kun kasvit vuotiaista 70-80 päivää.

Valitse sipulia, että lehdet ovat kellastunut tai kuivattu. Ehdokkaat on ominaista hyvälaatuisia siemeniä, muun muassa, keskikokoinen, terve, kova ja sileä ihon pinnalle.
Mutta ei kaikilla aloilla voidaan peittää sipulit Lanang. Hänen mukaansa sipulia Lanang vain viihtyy vuorilla ja ilma viileä. Nämä kasvit voivat myös menestyvät kuivassa maaperässä ja ilma viileänä.

Vaikka alavilla mailla ja sisältävät
SeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014 paljon vettä ei sovellu tähän sadon. Mukaan Onny, voi Lanang mätä sipuli, kun viljellään maaperässä, joka on liian vetistä.

Koska herkkä vedelle, kun kastelu prosessi pitäisi myös olla varovainen. Maaperän ei saa olla liian paljon vettä ja usein mutainen. Onny vaikkapa sipulia Lanang sovi kylmästä vuoristoalueilla tarvitaan mukula muodostumista.

Vuoristoalueilla on myös korkea tiivistymistä. "Kosteuden aiheuttama aamukasteen on erittäin hyvä tähän sipuli polttimo kasvuun", hän selitti. Â

Miten kasvaa yhden valkosipuli sipulit eivät juuri poikkea muista. Käsittely alkaa istutus piratismia ja kuokkiminen syvyyteen noin 30 senttimetriä (cm) - 40 cm.

Rabu, 24 September 2014

Cultivation of sweet corn will not be maximized

Cultivation of sweet corn will not be maximized if the nutrient requirements are not fulfilled. These plants require nitrogen (N) in a large amount. However, fertilizer application should consider the balance between nitrogen, potassium (K) and phosphate (P).
Organic cultivation

Cultivation of sweet corn can be planted in a former paddy directly or can be made ​​beds. If the former rice paddies land use, keep the land is not waterlogged. Beds in maize serves to regulate drainage. Beds can be made with a width of 1 meter and a height of 20-30 cm. Adjust the distance between beds of 30 cm. In the beds can be planted two plants arrays.

Fertilization basis for organic sweet corn cultivation should be a mixture of chicken manure with cow dung or goat with the composition of 1: 1. Chicken manure gave the N levels and more quickly decompose, whereas cow or goat
Globalbola.com selaku Agen Bola Online serta Sbobet Ibcbet Terbaik Terbesar Dan Terpercaya Di Indonesia manure is rich in K and P. The need for fertilizers with organic methods is about 5 tons per hectare.
Planting and care

The most effective planting sweet corn with ditugal. Make a hole as deep as 2-3 cm and then input 2 grains of corn seed. After that, cover with soil and compost, then flush that maintained soil moisture. Cultivation of sweet corn seed requirement is 8 kg per hectare.

Spacing on the cultivation of sweet corn is 60-75 cm. Spacing is to follow the ideal population size of plants. Cultivation of sweet corn will Munai good results with keeping the plant population as 34000-37000 plants per hectare.

Tips for successful cultivation of organic sweet corn
Control of pests and diseases

Pests that are found in the cultivation of sweet corn borer, among others, cob borer, grasshoppers, aphids and mice. The following properties tanman pests on sweet corn:

Kamis, 04 September 2014

the mature plants, there are brown lines on older leaves

the mature plants, there are brown lines on older leaves. Control: (1) planting or before the start of the rainy season; (2) the cropping pattern and the pattern of crop rotation, planting resistant varieties; (3) remove and destroy infected plants; (4) Preventive planting beginning with GLIO Corn Cultivation Techniques Total population of corn plants grown in a unit area affects the growth, development and results to be achieved.

Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com
Roller Blinds | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 10 Nasa NO Fertilizer Organic Fertilizer Product Function 1 1 Natural Natural GLIO GLIO able to destroy the infectious inoculum source plant diseases, 2 to prevent spread of disease infection sources back to colonization Natural soil by GLIO 3 Protect seed germination and plant roots from infection sources, 4 are Hiperparasit against plant disease pathogens, resulting in a live competition and nutrients. 5. Natural GLIO excrete antibiotics that Gliovirin and Viridin that will kill pathogens cause plant diseases Natural GLIO 6 will evolve continuously colonize protect plants from pathogen disturbances. 7 safe to the environment, human and animal, in harmony with the natural balance, easy and cheap. 2 Super Formula NASA natural (organic) for improving soil physical damage (loose), khemis (providing all the essential nutrients for plants) and biological (soil microorganisms foster beneficial to plants). POP SUPERNASA can reduce the amount of chemical NPK fertilizers (urea, SP-36, and KCl). The special formula made of pure crop of organic materials with the function: A. Main Function: 1 Repair damaged lands:  Increasing physical fertility: fix the hard ground slowly starting to become loose.  Increasing fertility khemis: provide all kinds of elements of a complete macro and micro elements for plants.  Improve the biological fertility: foster beneficial soil microorganisms to plants. Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 11 2 Reduce the amount of use of chemical NPK fertilizers (Urea, SP-36 and KCl) of + 25% - 50%. B. Other functions: 1 Increase the quantity and quality of crop production. 2 Dissolve the rest - the rest of the chemical Pulau Pramuka fertilizers in the soil, so the plants can be used again. 3 Stimulates plant growth, stimulate flowering and fruiting and reduces loss of flowers and fruit.

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

It is the Thung potato varieties from crosses 151 C and

It is the Thung potato varieties from crosses 151 C and desiree. Tubers oval. Skin and yellow flesh tubers. The potential result could reach 25 tons / hectare. Very well planted in high berdataran area. Plants are fairly resistant to Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya disease Late blight or late blight or leaf nawar 5. Thung Tubers are round flattened. His skin was yellow. Yellowish white flesh. Average weight of 55.5 grams and have uniformity bulbs. Plants susceptible to disease and pest 6. Catella Including age and early maturing potato (short). As granola where the age of 100 days can already be harvested. Round tubers, yellow tuber flesh. The content of the starch being. However, this plant no late blight resistant. 7 Agria Introduction of potatoes from the Netherlands. Large tubers such as tubers ketelah vines. Yellow bulbs yellow, dark yellow tuber flesh.  PUY viral disease resistant crops, and tuber blight also planting nematode attack and scab. Varieties agria direkomentasikan as varieties suitable for chips and fries. 2.2.2 White Potatoes 1 Marita Tubers are round flat, uniform and weights of plants means are 43.3 grams. Varieties grown in the dent and Cianjur sufficient planting disease. Feels good tuber and tuber POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAcolor yellowish white 2 Diamant Productivity is high. Oval tuber shape up elongated oval. Tuber skin is white, white tuber flesh yellowish. Late blight resistant plants. Tuber skin and viral diseases A. In addition, nematode resistant biotypes also terhaap A. 2.2.3 Red Potatoes

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

If you think this article is helpful

If you think this article is helpful, if you enjoy reading the articles on this website, you can subscribe to read this article via email. Please click HERE if you want to subscribe to reading articles from architectaria.com via email).
There are two varieties of yam are cultivated in Indonesia, namely verietas early maturing and Badoer. Harvesting early maturing varieties have a faster ie 4-5 months of age while Badoer varieties harvest between 7 to 11 months. At the time of this review, we will discuss the early maturing varieties.

Suitable yam cultivation is done in lowland until height of 1500 meters above sea level. But the ideal height is 200-800 meters above sea level with rainfall of about 700-1000 mm per year. The ideal temperature for growth ranges from 25 to 28oC. Yam can grow well in sandy loam soil with high nutrient content and acidity in the range of pH 4.5 to 8.
Preparation of seed yam

Seed yam can be obtained in two ways, first select from existing plants. How to select some plants that look healthy, then let the plants grow flowering to remove the pods. While other plants remain dipangkasi interest, because the plants do not flower trimmed bengkoang that will not produce tubers.

Pods that grow to old, after the pods are ready BosPoker.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya for harvest as seed. If the seeds are saved, you should not open pod skin. If opened from the skin should be kept dry and tightly closed. With good storage of seeds usually last up to 1 year.

The second way is to select seed from the crop. Choose some good quality bulbs, can be seen from the size and shape. Then store the bulbs in place that has enough moisture. Let grow buds on the tubers. After the shoots grow, the shoots of selection. The best buds are closest to the center of the tuber. Then the yam planting, and let the flowers grow up to produce pods. After the pods can be harvested for seed. The second way this usually results in a better seed than the first way.
Tillage and planting

First of all the land plowed or hoed with the purpose of breaking up the soil. Then create a raised bed that runs good soil drainage. 1 meter wide beds with a height of 20-25 cm, length adjustable beds with land contours. Adjust the distance between beds of 40-50 cm.

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

Ընտրեք լոքո Հաբիթաթի, որոնք ունեն

Ընտրեք լոքո Հաբիթաթի, որոնք ունեն ջրի որակը, որը մաքուր է, փորձում է ոչ այնքան մութ ջուրը, ինչպես նաեւ ջուրը չպետք է աղտոտված քիմիկատների, որոնք թունավոր են եւ չպետք է աղտոտված են թափոնները արդյունաբերական կամ գործարանում.
5) վարում է ջրի ջերմաստիճանը տատանվում է 26 - ից 28 աստիճան Celsius, երբ ձու hatch թրթուրներին պատրաստ են ձեւավորել ակվարիում ներառյալ. For տարածքներում, որոնք ունեն ջրի ջերմաստիճանը հակված լինել ավելի ցածր, ապա պահանջվող Մարտկոցային կամ Մարտկոցային որ ջրի ջերմաստիճանը մն
Seoagency.co.id Konsultan Jasa SEO, Jasa Web dan Digital Internet Marketing Indonesia ում է կայուն եւ հասնել օպտիմալ ջերմաստիճանը.
6) Փորձեք չէ թույլ դուք ունեք ավազան ջուր, որ ունի թթվայնությունը մոտ 6,5 7.
Եղանակներ catfish ձկնաբույծները
Ways լոքո ձկնաբույծները պետք է ընտրել վայրերում գյուղատնտեսական լճակի մոտ ջրի աղբյուր է եւ զերծ լցվել. Հեշտացնել ոռոգման համակարգի մեջ ջրավազանի լողավազաններ պետք է կառուցվի վրա գտնվելու հողային թեք թեքահարթակների եւ 3 - ից 5%. Նախատեսվում է, որ ջրի հեշտությամբ եւ սահուն հոսում է լճակ.
Կան առնվազն 3 տեսակի լողավազաններ, որոնք պետք է պատրաստ է սկսել լոքո farming ուղիները.
1) պահպանել Parent Տեղ լողավազան.
Pond տարածքը որոշվում է, թե որքան թվով ծնողի եւ ինտենսիվությունը իր մշակման համար, օրինակ, 100 կիլոգրամ ծնող պետք է պահպանվի ջրավազանի որի մակերեսը կազմում է մոտավորապես 500 մ 2, պայմանները ընտրելով այս տեսակի լողավազան, եթե դուք պարզապես ապավինել բնական սննդի աղբյուրներից գումարած թեփ. Բայց եթե թարմացվող կմատուցվի ձեւով կարկուտ անցկացման համար 100 ֆունտ կարելի է պահել լողավազանում որի մակերեսը կազմում է 150 - ից մինչեւ 200 մ 2, միայն. Լող պետք է ուղղանկյուն ձեւավորել, կողմնային պատերից կարող է լողավազան պատը, բայց տեսակի գրունտային Լողավազանների պետք է ծածկված հյուսված Բամբուկե փոխդասավորությամբ.
2) Spawning Pool
Լող կարող է լինել անասնապահության հիմք լողավազան կամ լողանալ պատ գումարը ծնողի է breeded ազդել չափը չափի կամ տարածքում լողավազանում. Օրինակ, 1 ամբողջ բխում ունեցող քաշը 3 ֆունտ, պետք է տեղադրել մի լճակ որի մակերեսը կազմում է 18 քմ, որը հագեցած մոտ 18 կտոր մանրաթելեր.
3) Լող Վայրեր առանձնացման
Տնկարանային վայրեր, լողավազանների համար պետք է ստեղծել ձեւով քառակուսի 4 buatkanlah channel (kemalir) վրա ներքեւի ջրավազանի եւ նաեւ թաղվել է ետ ծախսերը ալիքը. Kemalir ջրանցքների եւ լողավազաններ նպատակով ստեղծվում է հավաքել սերմերը բերքահավաքի ժամանակ գալիս. Spawning մեթոդ եւ ընտրելով սերմեր Լոքո

POKERSTAR88.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAԿան մի քանի բաներ է համարում, երբ անում տնկարանային ճանապարհին լոքո գյուղատնտեսական, որպեսզի առողջ եւ արագ զաւակ բարձրացման նրան.

Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

ya kupanda chokaa mti chokaa, sankis machungwa, machungwa Limo, na kadhalika, wale ambao hawajui mbinu hii inaweza kuwa na utata,

. Balitjestro | Orange Kilimo Guide balitjestro.litbang.deptan.go.id/id/234.htmlPanduan Kupanda Citrus. By: Ir. Sutopo, MSI. UTANGULIZI. Si sana kama matunda jamii ya machungwa katika mbegu ya taifa kama bidhaa ... Anakciremai: JINSI YA UPANDAJI MITI chokaa, lemon ... www.anakciremai.com/.../cara ya upandaji miti ya-machungwa-chokaa-nipis_0...1 Oktoba 2009 - Jinsi ya kupanda chokaa mti chokaa, sankis machungwa, machungwa Limo, na kadhalika, wale ambao hawajui mbinu hii inaweza kuwa na utata, ... Faida ya Citrus Matunda | Jinsi ya kukua Citrus Tree Miche bibithijau.blogspot.com> Kukua Tips Tanammanfaat matunda jamii ya machungwa kwa afya, jinsi ya kupanda miti ya jamii ya machungwa, uuzaji miti jamii ya machungwa. na mti miche CITRUS ULIMAJI Kilimo Techniques :: Orange (Citrus sinensis L) www.POKERSTAR88.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAanneahira.com/budidaya-machungwa jeruk.htmBudidaya si vigumu. Maarifa ya ardhi, mbegu, mbolea, na matengenezo kabla na baada ya mavuno, hii itakuwa kufanya kilimo cha machungwa ... Orange Sweet Kupanda katika Pot | Jinsi ya Kilimo carabudidaya.com> hobby Upya na carabudidaya.com - 7 Feb 2012 katika jina mujibu ina maana, tamu machungwa (Citrus sinensis) ladha tamu sana, pamoja na viwango vya chini sana asidi. Sweet machungwa matunda kwa ujumla ni mara moja tu ... Sweet Orange Kilimo Guide Pacitan «KPRI CITRUS kpricitrus.wordpress.com/2011/12/29/budidaya-machungwa-tamu-pacitan/29 Desemba 2011 - kuongeza GUIDE SWEET ORANGE PACITAN By: Ir . Sutopo, MSI. Pacitan tamu machungwa ni aina moja ya tamu machungwa (Citrus ... Jinsi ya Farming Orange | Kujifunza It Easy Agil-asshofie.blogspot.com/2012/01/cara kulima-jeruk.html3 Januari 2012 - Orange Kilimo Method Wakati huu wa sasa. machungwa (. Citrus sp) imekuwa sana mzima katika mikoa ya kitropiki na zile ujumla tamu machungwa ... Picha kwa jinsi ya kukua tamu machungwa -. Ripoti picha FARMING TECHNICAL CULTURE ORANGE ~ kiufundi-lemon-budidaya.blogspot.com/2007/10/budidaya .html28 Oktoba 2007 - Nafasi inatofautiana kwa kila aina ya jamii ya machungwa inaweza kuonekana katika data yafuatayo: (a) Tangerines na Siem nafasi ya 5 x 5 m, (b) Sweet: umbali ... Jinsi Kupanda Citrus tipspetani.blogspot.com /2011/02/cara kulima-kupanda-jeruk.htmlBibit kawaida kutumika kwa ajili ya kilimo ya machungwa kupatikana kwa generative .... Sehemu ya kushambuliwa ni buds ua la rangi ya machungwa au Grapefruit BES tamu Balitjestro |. Orange balitjestro.litbang Kilimo Guide. deptan.go.id/id/234.htmlJarak kupanda 5 x 4 m2 (tangerine), 5 x 6 m2 (tamu machungwa), na 6 x 7 m2 (pamelo). usanifu ... miti ya jamii ya machungwa haja ya kuwa na kujengwa mapema juu ya kwa jinsi ya kuanzisha ... jinsi ya kupanda machungwa «Ndogo Field ladangkecil.wordpress.com/tag/cara-kupanda-jeruk/17 Julai 2012 - Tagged: upandaji jamii ya machungwa, kilimo jamii ya machungwa, jinsi ya kupanda rangi ya machungwa, machungwa, machungwa, tamu machungwa, chokaa, miti lemon, tabulampot. 6 Maoni ... CV. Washirika wa mbegu: Mbegu Orange-mbegu-jeruk.htmlJeruk www.mitrabibit.com/2011/05/budidaya tamu / Siyam ni machungwa zaidi katika matumizi ya umma ... Kupanda Citrus | Citrus Wood Faida | Tofauti Orange | Kupanda Method machungwa ... Orange Kilimo Keprok / Siam - Benki Kuu ya Jamhuri ya Indonesia www.bi.go.id> Home> Info SMEs> yakinifu UsahaUntuk kukidhi mahitaji / mahitaji safi tamu machungwa, Indonesia katika Pamoja na juhudi ili kukidhi mahitaji ya. kuboresha teknolojia ya uzalishaji-ABG .. Sweet Orange «ABG ™ Mbolea ... vcc.co.id provider vcc murah di indonesia abgorganik.wordpress.com/.../teknologi-ongezeko-uzalishaji-ABG-j...24 Agosti 2009 - tamu machungwa kutumia nafasi (4- 5) x (4-6) m. .... Nataka kuuliza jambo moja ... ni jinsi gani sisi kupanda mbegu ya tamu machungwa? CITRUS ULIMAJI Kilimo Techniques :: Orange (Citrus sinensis L) www.anneahira.com/budidaya-machungwa jeruk.htmBudidaya si vigumu. Maarifa ya ardhi, mbegu, mbolea, na matengenezo kabla na baada ya mavuno, hii itakuwa kufanya ... picha ya kilimo machungwa kwa ajili ya kupanda njia machungwa - Ripoti picha FARMING TECHNICAL CULTURE ORANGE ~ kiufundi-budidaya.blogspot.com/2007/10/budidaya- jeruk.html28 Oktoba 2007 - Citrus mimea kama maji chumvi zenye wastani wa 10%. III. Miongozo ya kiufundi kwa ajili ya kilimo 3.1. Mbegu 3.1.1. Generative ... Sweet Orange Kupanda katika Pot | Jinsi ya Farming carabudidaya.com> hobby Upya na carabudidaya.com - 7 Feb 2012 katika jina mujibu ina maana, tamu machungwa (Citrus sinensis) ladha tamu sana, pamoja na viwango vya chini sana asidi. Sweet machungwa matunda ni mara moja tu ... jinsi ya kupanda machungwa «Ndogo Field ladangkecil.wordpress.com/tag/cara-kupanda-jeruk/17 Julai 2012 kwa ujumla - Posts kuhusu jinsi ya kukua machungwa iliyoandikwa na nanie. Tagged ...: kupanda jamii ya machungwa, kilimo jamii ya machungwa, jinsi ya kukua machungwa, machungwa, machungwa, tamu machungwa, Citrus Kilimo Method ... tipspetani.blogspot.com/2011/02/cara-kilimo cha udongo-kupanda-jeruk.htmlJenis Andosol na Latosol kufaa sana kwa ajili ya kilimo rangi ya machungwa. Miche ... kawaida kutumika kwa ajili ya kilimo ya machungwa kupatikana kwa generative na ... Jinsi ya Farming Orange | Kujifunza It Easy Agil-asshofie.blogspot.com/2012/01/cara kulima-jeruk.html3 Januari 2012 - Orange Kilimo Method . Kwa sasa wakati machungwa (CitrPOKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA us sp.) Imekuwa mzima sana katika mikoa ya kitropiki na zile. Kwa ujumla tamu machungwa ... Faida Orange Matunda |

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

Kroto principalmente aves ou grilos

Kroto principalmente aves ou grilos diferença adicional Pembutian. Aves comer muito mais luxúria Kroto e mais pesado. Se os pássaros comem grilos e pássaros forte poder diplangkringan trabalho aka diem e calma, mas não esvaziado.
Sewa Mobil DimasRentcar Problema porque o banho apenas uma vez por dia, quando a maior parte do banho do pássaro vai convidar luxúria e pesado e pássaros muitas vezes "Didis" (cuidando de suas penas) quando estão secando.
Secagem pássaro kacer Longa seca é bom, uma vez que visa estabelecer e treinar a respiração do corpo de modo a não suscetíveis à doença. Para obter o máximo de secagem de cerca de 3 horas. Por causa da ave para que ele não tem que ficar muito tempo já secou novamente mais tarde se o campo rapidamente ficar sem energia, então o pássaro muito kerodong apenas para ajuste depois de quebrar a terra.
Como lidar com kacer mbagong
Como lidar com kacer mbagong / mbedhesi / cavalo-marinho com princípios como meus amigos dizem que "gosto de subtração de luxúria", nomeadamente através de:
1 Reduzir / eliminar a prestação temporária de extra-foodi
Indotophosting.com Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesiang, aka dar alimentos todos os dias com voor sozinho.
2 Expanda as horas da suspensão diterik sol e não espere até lemes (entar morto ... sorry khan ..)
3 Reduzir o banho, se necessário, uma vez por semana nada beisebol.
Adicione 4 gotas de vitaminas na água de beber (de acordo com o dikemasan regras)
5 Depois de ter perdido recentemente o nosso ef complicado o seu amor um pouco, não muito pode Cépet recorrência.
Kacer havia mbagong fácil recuperar alguns são difíceis de curar, tente popa companheiro kacer já estrada novamente até o final sem mbagong.
Em conclusão, se mbagong kacer essencialmente restabelecida através da melhoria mental. Alienar outros pássaros que ele estava com medo e fez o mais confortável possível kacer para a manutenção diária em tornará recuperar mais rapidamente. Outra coisa que temos mbagong quando kacer de bawaanya difícil de curar.
Dicas para Kacer Não Fácil Mbagong
Traços Kacer não facilmente mbagong; pássaro ágil, Kesit (não benigna) e não precisa ser jogado por mão de cuidar para não estragou.

Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

તમારા મેનૂ આજે શું છે? Baceman ચિકન અથવા

તમારા મેનૂ આજે શું છે? Baceman ચિકન અથવા tempeh Opor? આ બધી સમાનતા છે hazelnut મેનુ ઉપયોગ છે. Hazelnut રસોડામાં ગેરહાજર ક્યારેય છે કે વનસ્પતિ છે. પરંતુ તમે hazelnut નિકાસ સંભવિત જાણો છો? જેથી જાતનું લીસું સૂક્કું ફળ ફાર્મ વાવેતર બીજ સંભવિત બિઝનેસ હોઈ શકે છે. માત્ર પરંતુ વિશ્વભરમાં સ્થાનિક બજાર સુધી પહોંચવા માટે.
sakaupoker.com agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya જાતનું લીસું સૂક્કું ફળ ખેતી. - જાતનું લીસું સૂક્કું ફળ ખોરાક કાચા અને ઘર રાચરચીલું ઉદ્યોગો સુધીના એક સ્વાદ ઘટક ઉત્પાદનો ઊંચી આર્થિક મૂલ્ય છે. Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana) તેલ બીજ અને મસાલા એક સ્ત્રોત તરીકે ઉપયોગ એક છોડ છે.
આ પ્લાન્ટ હજુ કસાવા સાથે sekerabat અને યુફોર્બિઆસી આદિજાતિ માં સમાવવામાં આવેલ છે. આ સંશોધન ઔષધીય છોડ સંસ્થા અને Aromati, કૃષિ વિભાગ પાસેથી માહિતી Candleberry, ભારતીય અખરોટ, અને Candlenut તરીકે ઓળખાય આંતરરાજ્ય વાણિજ્યમાં જણાવ્યું હતું. આ વૃક્ષ વાર્નિશ વૃક્ષ અથવા kukui બદામ વૃક્ષ તરીકે ઓળખવામાં આવે છે.
ઉદ્યોગ રંગ મિશ્રણ તરીકે ઉપયોગ કરવા અને તુંગ તેલ તરીકે ઓળખવામાં આવે છે માં બીજ કાઢવામાં તેલ ઉપયોગી છે. આ પ્લાન્ટ ઉષ્ણકટિબંધીય પ્રદેશોમાં હવે વ્યાપક છે. પ્લાન્ટ ઊંચાઇ વિશે 15-25 મીટર સુધી પહોંચી હતી. પાંદડા લીલા નિસ્તેજ છે. તે ખૂબ જ મુશ્કેલ છે અને તે એક મીણબત્તી તરીકે ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે પરવાનગી આપે છે કે જે તેલ તદ્દન ઘણો સ
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAમાવે છે, એક રક્ષણાત્મક પડ છે માં અખરોટ વિશે 4-6 સે.મી. ની વ્યાસ ધરાવે છે, બીજ શામેલ છે.
Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana) Maluku ટાપુઓ પરથી આવ્યો છે, અને અને મલેશિયા થી છે. પૂર્વ એશિયા પેસિફિક ટાપુઓ સુધી ફેલાઈ આ છોડ. ઇન્ડોનેશિયા માં hazelnut લગભગ તમામ દ્વીપસમૂહ પર ફેલાય છે. સંતાન વધારવામાં KEMIRI
બીજ છોડ ઉપલબ્ધતા hazelnut ની ખેતી વિકાસ કરવા માટે મળવી જ જોઈએ કે જે મુખ્ય જરૂરિયાત છે. આ જાતનું લીસું સૂક્કું ફળ પાક બીજ 3 રીતે દ્વારા પહોંચી શકાય છે વિચાર:

વનસ્પતિ; અને
કાર્બનિક hazelnut ખેતી નાસા જમીન તૈયારી અને વૃક્ષારોપણની જાતનું લીસું સૂક્કું ફળ

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Jumat, 18 Juli 2014

Planting techniques

Planting techniques
Needs of turmeric seed / ha is from 0.50 to 0.65 tons. It is expected to be obtained rhizome production of 20-30 tons / ha.

DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYADetermination of turmeric TanamanBibit pattern that has been prepared then planted into a hole measuring 5-10 cm in the direction of the buds facing up. Turmeric crop planted with two patterns, namely at the beginning of the rainy season planting to harvesting at the beginning of the dry season (7-8 months) or at the beginning of the rainy season planting and harvesting is done with twice the dry season (12-18 months). Both patterns are made ​​on the same plant, which at the beginning of the rainy season. The difference lies only in the harvest period.

Pembutan Planting Hole
Planting hole is made on the beds / mapped with a hole the size of 30x30 cm with a depth of 60 cm. The distance between the holes is 60x60 cm.

Planting Method
Planting techniques with rhizome cuttings treatment in aromatic nitro 1 ml / liter in the media mulched apparently significant effect on vegetative growth and turmeric, while the use of growth regulators IBA (indolebutyric acid) of 200 mg / liter in the same medium significantly affected turmeric rhizome formation.

Planting period
Turmeric planting time is at the beginning of the rainy season like other rimpangan-root plants. This is possible because the young plants will require quite a lot of water to grow. Although the rhizome of this plant is harvested later ie 7-8 months younger but still cultivated crops early next rainy season.

If there is not turmeric grow or grow poorly, then the subsequent planting (stitching) the other rhizome fresh and healthy.

Weeding and pembubunan needs to be done to eliminate weeds (weeds) that interfere with the absorption of water, nutrients and interfere with plant growth. This activity is carried out 3-5 times in conjunction with fertilization and tilling the soil. The first weeding is done at the time the plant was ½ months and was then carried out in conjunction with pembubunan to stimulate rhizome to grow big and keep the soil loose.

As with other root plants, the turmeric pembubunan work is needed to hoard back to the root zone soil water-borne sag. Pembubunan helpful to provide the media about rooting conditions better so that the rhizome will grow fast and highly branched. Pembubunan usually done after weeding activities and is usually done routinely every 3-4 months.
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Senin, 14 Juli 2014

Para alimentar Louhan

Para alimentar Louhan
Alimento natural y alimento artificial. Alimento
HATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia natural se compone de: Artemia, pulga de agua, Mosquito Larva, Cabello y seda Worms, Worms sangre, Earthworm y camarones. Alimento artificial en forma de pellets se puede dar especial Louhan intercalados con los gusanos o los camarones.
La superación de las enfermedades / plagas La enfermedad, que a menudo ataca Louhan es una enfermedad fúngica, los síntomas aparecen en el cuerpo como el cuerpo está envuelto Louhan hilos finos.
Cómo hacer frente a esta enfermedad son: * Evite los peces sanos y salvos * El remojo Lohan en una solución de oxalato de verde de malaquita en comparación con 1 3g cúbico de agua. Pescado en escabeche menos de 30 minutos

HATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia Cuando termine Louhan luego entrar en el tanque ha sido limpiado y reemplazado con agua nueva.
Clasificación científica * Reino: Animalia * Filo: Chordata * Clase: Actinopterígios * Orden: Perciformes * Familia: Cichlidae * Género: Amphilophus * Especie: A. trimaculatus * Nombre del binomio: Amphilophus trimaculatus
Crítica Los críticos también han oído hablar de la flowerhorn, que es en realidad un pez artificial, en grupos taxonómicos de peces, que preveía la identificación de las especies que se encuentran en la naturaleza. Esta práctica puede hacer más difícil la identificación de los cíclidos. Crianza con líneas de sangre puras especies de cíclidos se han producido en un número de cíclidos generalmente se mantienen para los propósitos de la manía, el riesgo es la pérdi
HATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia e material genético.
Cría Flowerhorn también contribuye a la demanda comercial para la creación de nuevos y diferentes tipos de peces que pueden conducir a prácticas cuestionables, así como la duda de granja de las deformidades anatómicas (como ocurrió en las granjas de peces de colores).

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

os bananos se cultivan aún por el

os bananos se cultivan aún por el agua suministrada desde el tronco que llorosos pero su producción no se puede esperar.
     Los fuertes vientos como el viento pueden dañar las hojas y el escarabajo afecta el crecimiento de las plantas.
Domain Murah
     Precipitaciones óptima es 1520-3800 mm / año con 2 meses para secarse. Las variaciones en las precipitaciones deben equilibrarse con el nivel del agua de modo que el suelo no es suelo anegado.

5.2. medios de cultivo

     Los plátanos se pueden cultivar en el suelo que es rico en humus, que contiene cal o suelo pesado. Esta planta de alimentos que deben formar el cultivo del banano codicioso en berhumus suelo con la fertilización.
     El agua siempre debe estar disponible pero no debe ser agrupado porque las plantas de banano deben ser regadas con intensiva. Nivel del agua subterránea en la zona húmeda es de 50-200 cm, en la semi-húmeda de 100-200 cm y en las regiones áridas de 50-150 cm. La tierra que ha experimentado la erosión no dará lugar a una buena cosecha de frutos que. El suelo debe ser fácil de absorber agua. Los plátanos no viven en la tierra de 0,07% de solución salina.

5.3. Altitude
Esta planta es tolerante a la sequía y las alturas. En Indonesia en general, se puede cultivar en las tierras bajas a las montañas de hasta 2000 m sobre el nivel del mar. Plátano, sandía y los cuernos crecen bien hasta una altitud de 1.000 m sobre el nivel del mar. [Requisitos crecen las plantas de banano]
El cultivo de bananos
El cultivo de bananos
6.1. Viveros
Los plátanos se propagan por forma vegetativa brotes (labradores).

     Requisitos de semillas: alta timón que se utiliza como una semilla de 1-1,5 m con una anchura de 15-20 cm piezas de tubérculos. Los cachorros tomadas de árboles que dan buena y saludable. Alta semilla afectará a la producción de plátanos (número COMB dentro de cada grupo). Planta de semillero que hay dos tipos: los jóvenes cachorros y adultos. Las ninfas maduran mejor utilizada ya que tendría interés en los suministros de alimentos dentro de picudo ha sido mucho. El uso de semillas que en forma de lanza (hoja tiene la forma de una espada, hojas estrechas) tienen prioridad sobre la anchura de las plántulas con hojas.
     Preparación de la semilla: Semilla se pu
Bisnis onlineede comprar de local / otro local, o proporciona en sus propios jardines. Plantas en las plántulas sembradas a una distancia bastante apretada alrededor de 2 x 2 m. Uno árboles padres tienen brotes que quedan entre 7-9. Para evitar demasiados números rodaje, corte / sesiones de adelgazamiento.

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

various nutrient content belongs, believed jengkol or Jering (Archidendron

various nutrient content belongs, believed jengkol or Jering (Archidendron
jiringa) capable of preventing interference diabetes, lower blood sugar levels and can maintain a healthy heart.
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fruits (seeds) jengkol varied, ranging eaten fresh vegetables, processed stews
jengkol, to serve cake and crisps or chips jengkol.
jengkol also have negative effects. First, jengkol acids jengkolat
high so that when consumed in excessive amounts can cause
accumulation of crystals in the urinary tract.
Symptoms range abdominal pain and sometimes vomiting, pain on
urination, bloody urine, and there is little urine output
white dots like flour even urine can not get out at all.
Second, the smell of fruit jengkol actually not too overpowering, but after
consumed will give the effect of a bad odor or bad breath smell better
http://agraris.adakata.com/budidaya-jengkol/ Recently we were shocked by the sky-high price jengkol, flavor-it's really yes kebangetan jengkol prices so high. Jeng
UBCPOKER.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayakol known as the food of the people, from pedicab drivers to officials jengkol many like stew. If you are sure tuh available to warteg stews jengkol.Sesuai with the laws of classical economics, when demand is high and supply limited, prices will go up automatically. Jengkol themselves often the subject of ridicule, but do not affect the interest of the public to eat it.

MANFA'AT jengkol

Jengkol and pete, this is regarded as the two lovebirds pairs smell the same because both seared and often shunned. Many consider that the two types of fruit that is not fit for consumption or may be embarrassed to consume even like. The smell is a major problem for the audience. Because the two pieces that are often classified as low-grade food; apart as cheap, there are many among those who want to eat it. But you know that jengkol and bananas have a variety of benefits that are essential for our body? Here is a fact.
The first is jengkol. Jengkol itself consists of various vitamins, jengkolat acids, minerals, and high fiber. Jengkol has diuretic properties that can help to expedite the disposal of urine, and it is very beneficial for patients with coronary heart disease. Fiber can launch a bowel movement, and can indirectly help the slimming abdomen distended due to difficult bowel movements. Therefore jengkol also used as a powerful laxative than an apple.
The other benefit is to prevent diabetes / diabetes due acids and minerals. However jengkolat acid contained in jengkol form insoluble crystals and water.
GudangPoker.com  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik TerpercayaHence Investment and Jengkolthe advice to consume jengkol is not excessive, because the kidneys may not be able to filter the acid in amounts too much until finally experiencing trouble stopping urination or often called Anyang-anyangan.